It is parallel to AeroYoga Level 1 except we use the mat. Just as in AeroYoga, we use somatic movement, to retrain your nervous system as each pose is performed consciously, focusing on the internal experience of the movement rather than the external appearance or result of the movement. We retrain your nervous system so you can heal your body and overcome chronic pain.
Movements are performed slowly, focusing on quality rather than quantity. Working in this way allows the body and more importantly the human nervous system which controls our posture and movement, to learn new ways of moving. Through awareness during the session you can change the old muscle pattern that is the root of the pain. The goal is to regain stability and mobility, by sensing and feeling as you learn to control yourself fully from within.
Rather than throwing your body into a fast paced workout or using passive techniques for short term relief such as a massage, the session changes the messages from your brain to allow your muscles to relax while also giving them the ability to engage and be strong when needed. The long term changes can greatly enhance your daily movements. The balance, coordination and proprioception skills learnt can improve other activities in your life such as walking, running, sports, the list goes on.
-Tension release -Ease of movement -Increased range of motion/flexibility -Coordination & connectivity -Balance -Mental clarity & focus -Mindfulness & increased creativity
-Emotional resilience & healing Private/Partner Corporate Email: to book your sessions now.
