Due to many sports related injuries, I immersed myself in various healing modalities such as chiropractic care, naturopathy, pilates and more. Then I discovered AeroYoga and for the very first time something magical happened. I corrected my own spine and everything else clicked into place. Everything I had studied over the past 20 years fit together like the faucets of a perfectly cut diamond and I was able to systematically incorporate all under the 'umbrella' called AeroYoga. I defended my thesis and received a E.U. diploma from the AeroYoga Institute in Spain.
With over 20 years of experience in fitness training, yoga and deep tissue body work, I combine everything I have learned in the holistic health sciences including energy healing which is based on scientific principles such as reflexology, acupressure, restorative massage and more. I work to activate the neural path ways, trigger new perceptions, to re-calibrate from deep within to activate your highest
DNA potential while strengthening all muscle groups, increasing your self-esteem and well being like never before.
So I hope you join me to recalibrate your body, transforming it from a material object to a dynamic flowing process.
I know you are ready.