The physical stretching opens the body. The breathing techniques move the suppressed emotions and stuck energy so that they can be circulated, transformed, and released. Isometric postures build resilience. Meditations create the conditions for the calming effects of the parasympathetic nervous system to dominate, as the glandular system resets. The sessions build upon the other, creating the space to heal, to let go of what is no longer serving your highest and best nature, and what is interfering with your ability to experience true freedom.
Aiko teaches a blend of different styles focusing on realignment while strengthening the hip flexors which is the engine of the body, with an emphasis on anatomy, physiology, and movement science. We unlock the energy channels, enabling subtle and direct changes in the mind while lengthening the spine, opening the posture, chest and moving each joint through its full range of movement. It's not about attaining the perfect pose, but using the pose to get into the body, and allowing your original blueprint to emerge.
These sessions stimulate all body parts and organs as we gently go deeper. You will leave the session energized yet relaxed at the same time.
“The most precious thing in the human body is the Breath. A meditation, which cannot bring normalcy and equilibrium to your breathing is useless, because the rate and length of the breathing will determine the rate of secretion of your glandular system, and that secretion will give you physical stability. Physical stability will then give you mental stability, and mental stability will project the radiance of the spirit, the soul in you.” Yogi Bhajan 1976
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