Come with your bathing suit & towel & join me daily for a powerful morning yoga and meditation to rejuvenate and unify the body, mind and spirit.
*LOCATION: It is the last stop on the Côte d’Azur before Italy, the seaside town of Menton, nicknamed perle de la France. A beautiful private villa where the famous artist Ernst Fuchs once lived and worked. Our host Cornelia Mensdorff-Pouilly will be happy to show you her private collection exposed there.
After the session join us for refreshments with the spectacular mountain views. Bring a friend or your partner, and meet interesting people. We will be serving fruit infused drinks with some light nibbles. You are welcome to go for a swim or relax in the sun in privacy on this multilevel villa ensconced in the mountain.
*PRICE: 35 EUR per person
*Private AeroYoga Session by the poolside: 150 EUR
*Includes AeroMassage
*Private Yoga Session: 130 EUR +30 EUR per extra person; on site, yacht or boat
May pay with cash.
Please send us a message or email to for bookings

I look forward to this journey with all of you.